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Why We Learn
Session 1: Welcome
Welcome to Why We Learn (1:32)
Introduction to Full-Circle Learning School (3:41)
Session 2: The Most Important Day
The Most Important Day of a Teacher's Life (32:20)
Session 3: Scaffolded Learning Units
Scaffolding a 13-S Unit (24:13)
Session 4: Classroom Management
Purposeful Classroom Management (24:42)
Session 5: Curriculum Planning
Helpful Planning Tools (13:36)
Session 6: The Conflict Bridge
Human Contact and Human Conflict (19:05)
Session 7: Creating Change Agents
Educating the Next Generation of Climate Change Agents (4:44)
Session 8: Wisdom Exchanges
Technology and the Wisdom Exchange (5:08)
Session 9: Building an Inclusive Classroom
Loving the Exceptional Learner (16:19)
Session 10: The North Star
Wishing on a North Star (8:47)
Educating the Next Generation of Climate Change Agents
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